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Life with Sprinkles on Top


Time is not our friend.  It goes too quickly.  How often have you looked at your children or in the mirror and asked yourself, “Where has the time gone?”


It seems these days, everyone is on a never-ending time clock. When do you punch out? Everyone is so busy in survival mode with the escalating living expenses that it seems almost impossible to punch out.  It is too easy to get stuck in survival mode.   If you're waking up early for work, putting in your 8 plus, then there are often insurmountable responsibilities waiting at home for you.  When you realize it, it's late, and it's time to hit the hay and do it again.  Morning comes, and you're back on that merry-go-round—the never-ending cycle of to-dos. The thing is that there is always going to be something to take care of, no matter how much you prepare and plan to avoid it.  Life gets busy no matter what.  We live in a fast-paced society.  We are geared toward producing faster than the average…it is heavily concentrated in our education, sports, and business.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to be faster or better.  If you are going to aim for something, why not go big and better? 

The issue isn’t about who or what is faster or best.  It is about missing out on the importance of experiencing the journey through this life.  Often, when someone has reached the top, they quickly find themselves suffering depression…Why is that?  It is because they have conquered.  They’ve reached what they think is the goal…the climb is over, the excitement dulled, and here we are again…lost. Why? They missed out on the experience of the journey. We are a satiated society.  Feeling good is what I most desire.  I mean, who wants to feel bad?  No one!  We drink our energy drinks and stuff ourselves with promising protein shakes and other gimmicks to give us energy and more zeal in life.  Those are temporary, it doesn’t work…all it does is speed up your progression of processes throughout the day, and then you hit that slump and once again need a pick-me-up to keep pushing…a vicious cycle stealing your youth and your joy!  Life is too short to live it without joy.  Joy isn’t about the circumstance.  It isn’t about waiting for everything to be perfect to experience it.  It is a choice.  It is choosing to have joy amid chaos, crisis, and busyness.  I am not talking about being a positive thinker when everything is hitting the fan and faking your way across a crowd with a crown and a smile.  I am talking about finding those monumental yet so-minute moments that open opportunities to experience joy. 

If you look hard enough, you find them.  If you take the time, a minute…. you see it.  If you stop and listen for a second, you will hear it.  If you take in a deep breath…you can smell it.  By putting everything aside, including your phone, and focusing on the meal before you…you can taste it.

I remember when my children were small, loving to top their ice cream, cookies, or cupcakes with sprinkles.  They often chose the relentless rainbow-covered donuts in the church's foyer each Sunday.  I never understood what the excitement was all about.  Spoken by a true sprinkle enthusiast, “They are colorful and fun!”   Who doesn’t want to have fun?  I was more of the cake donut taster…boring, huh?  Aren’t we just choosing the cake donut when we rush from one appointment to another without conversing with others?  How often do we take a donut and swallow it before savoring the flavor by chewing and tasting the goodness?  In life, we need to taste the goodness. 

We must slow down and take those micro-minutes to manage relationships by meditating on the now.  Be present, be alive, be big, be bold!  If you're going to run, run hard, even at the risk of hitting the wall, but while you're at it, throw some sprinkles along the path…. Someone could use some color and fun!

Brenda Graff

Wellness Life Coach  

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